Thursday, January 27, 2011

Re: latex file and backlash

On 27/01/2011 01:55 p.m., Charles Campbell wrote:
> Cesar Romani wrote:
>> On 26/01/2011 10:21 a.m., Charles Campbell wrote:
>> > Cesar Romani wrote:
>> >> On 25/01/2011 08:23 p.m., Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:
>> >> > Cesar Romani wrote:
>> >> >> After a further analysis, I found out that the problem is with
>> >> >> AutoAlign. If I remove ~/vimfiles/ftplugin/tex/AutoAlign.vim I
>> >> don't get
>> >> >> that bad behavior.
>> >> >
>> >> > Needless to say, I use AutoAlign, with latex files, and have no
>> >> > difficulties. Do you have any settings that you use? Oftentimes
>> these
>> >> > things are due to options I set and you don't or vice versa.
>> >>
>> >> The only setting which I have on my _vimrc is:
>> >> source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
>> > I still don't see the problem:
>> >
>> > abc.vim:
>> > so $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
>> >
>> > abc.tex:
>> > \documentclass[12pt]{article}
>> > \pagestyle{empty}
>> > \title{nothing}
>> >
>> > \begin{document}
>> > \begin{tabular}
>> > \end{tabular}
>> > \end{document}
>> >
>> >
>> > startup:
>> > vim -u abc.vim
>> > (insert abc&ghi\\ after the \begin{tabular})
>> > (insert j&k\\ after the abc... line)
>> >
>> > AutoAlign is clearly working, aligning the table -- but the cursor is
>> > after the 2nd backslash as it should be for both lines. Perhaps you're
>> > using an older AutoAlign? The latest may be obtained at
>> > .
>> If I proceed as you:
>> load abc.vim and then :so $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim, it works.
>> But if you have :so $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim on your _vimrc, it
>> doesn't work.
> Well, vim -u abc.vim is supposed to be using abc.vim as if it were
> _vimrc (or .vimrc). Irregardless, I've moved my .vimrc out of the way
> (to keep.vimrc) and renamed abc.vim to _vimrc ; I'm still not seeing the
> cursor between the backslashes. Since you mentioned _vimrc instead of
> .vimrc, I'm guessing that you're on a Windows box; I'll try this on a
> Windows box when I get a chance. Do you have an up-to-date AutoAlign?

You were right. I updated to the last version of AutoAlign and all is
working fine. Apparently the GLVS didn't work well and I had to do the
update manually.

Best regards,


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