Monday, June 6, 2011

Re: syntax highlighting: 'good' syntax item becomes 'bad' after unrelated change in file

On 3 Jun 2011, at 00:26, Ben Schmidt wrote:

>> I'm experiencing a problem where a valid piece of syntax (a variable
>> declaration) sudden;y changes state (becomes an (invalid) procedure
>> call) following the insertion elsewhere in the file of an indexed
>> assignment.
> [...]
>> Here is a simple test file that shows the problem, which shows that
>> the problem exhibits itself even when the assignment that provokes the
>> error is inside a comment.
> This indeed seems very strange. With sync fromstart, I can't imagine why
> this would happen, particularly in the case where it's in a comment, as
> it's a completely irrelevant syntax item.
> Maybe it's a bug in Vim's syntax engine. We seem to have been finding a
> few of those recently.
>> 1. sclProcedureCall is declared earlier in the syntax file than
>> sclStringDeclaration.
> Does that matter? Did you try swapping them? If it doesn't matter,
> probably not worth mentioning!
>> 2. I use 'foldmethod=syntax' and use folding aggressively to detect
>> bad syntax.
> I don't think this is relevant either. With foldmethod=manual the
> problem still occurs.
>> 3. sclStringDeclaration is a region with 'start=/\ze\<string\>/
>> skip=/\(\<string\|)\},\)\_s*/ end=/,/ end=/$/'
> Seems a bit different to that in the actual syntax file. The one in the
> syntax file seems a bit more sensible, though.
>> 4. The reason for the \ze in the 'start' pattern is to make the folds
>> work for declarations and assignments.
> OK. That is helpful to know.
>> 5. An indexed assignment is modelled as a procedure call - it has the
>> same semantics as a procedure call returning a reference has.
> OK.
>> Can anyone suggest what might be causing this problem?
> Not yet. Your minimal test data was wonderful, though I've managed to
> minimise it even more. This is enough to show the problem:
> string ( 80 ) message := ""
> @ )=
> In fact, the problem is easier to see there, because Vim seems to update
> more quickly as you edit. Modifying the comment causes the highlighting
> to change 'in realtime'.
> I'm still a bit baffled.
> Perhaps work on this even smaller example and see if you can minimise
> the syntax file. This example doesn't require a procedure body or
> anything like that, so should be able to work with a really small syntax
> file, and that should help us pinpoint either the problem with the
> syntax file or the bug in Vim.

Here's the smallest sample syntax file that I've so far managed to exhibit both behaviours (correct and incorrect), minus the highlight groups.

syntax case ignore

syntax sync fromstart

syntax match sclError /\S\+/
syntax match sclError /\k\+/

syntax match sclIdentifier contained /\%(\<string\>\)\@!\<\a\k*\>/

syntax match sclNumber /\<\d\+\>/ contained

syntax match sclStringEsc1 contained
\ /""/
syntax match sclStringEsc2 contained
\ /''/

syntax match sclStringConst
\ /""/

syntax match sclParens contained /[([{})\]]/

syntax match sclComma contained /,/

syntax match sclAssignOp contained /:\==/
" Now start building syntactic constructs from them
syntax region sclParen fold keepend extend contains=@sclExpr,@sclAlwaysValid
\ matchgroup=sclParens
\ start=/[[({]/ end=/[])}]/

syntax region sclProcedureCall keepend extend contains=sclIdentifier,sclActualParameters,@sclAlwaysValid
\ start=/\<\a\k*\>\ze\s*[[({]/
\ end=/[])}]\zs/

syntax match sclType /\<string\>/

syntax region sclStringAssignment fold keepend extend
\ contains=sclProcedureCall,sclAssignOp,@sclStringExpr,
\ @sclAlwaysValid
\ start=/\<\a\k*\>\s*[[({]\_.\{-}[])}]\s*:\==\_s*/
\ skip=/\(:\==\|+\|-\|\<and\>\|\<or\>\|\<after\|\<before\>\)\_s*/
\ end=/\ze,/ end=/\ze;/ end=/$/
syntax region sclStringAssignment fold keepend extend contains=sclIdentifier,
\ sclAssignOp,@sclStringExpr,@sclAlwaysValid
\ start=/\<\a\k*\>\s*\<is\>\_s*/
\ skip=/\(\<is\>\|+\|-\|\<and\>\|\<or\>\|\<after\|\<before\>\)\_s*/
\ end=/\ze,/ end=/\ze;/ end=/$/
syntax region sclStringAssignment fold keepend extend contains=sclIdentifier,
\ sclAssignOp,@sclStringExpr,@sclAlwaysValid
\ start=/\<\a\k*\>\s*:\==\_s*/
\ skip=/\(:\==\|+\|-\|\<and\>\|\<or\>\|\<after\|\<before\>\)\_s*/
\ end=/\ze,/ end=/\ze;/ end=/$/

syntax region sclStringAdvisoryLength keepend extend contains=@sclIntExpr,
\ @sclAlwaysValid
\ matchgroup=sclParens
\ start=/(/
\ matchgroup=sclParens
\ end=/)\_s*/

syntax region sclActualParameters fold keepend contains=sclComment,@sclExpr
\ matchgroup=sclParens
\ start=/[[({]/
\ matchgroup=sclParens
\ end=/[])}]/

syntax region sclStringDeclaration fold keepend extend contains=sclType,
\ sclStringAdvisoryLength,sclStringAssignment,sclIdentifier,
\ sclComma,@sclAlwaysValid
\ start=/\<string\>\_s*\%((\_.\{-})\_s*\)\=/
\ skip=/\(\<string\>\|)\|,\)\_s*/
\ matchgroup=sclSemiColon
\ end=/;/ end=/$/

syntax region sclComment
\ extend
\ start=/@/ end=/\n/ end=/@/
syntax region sclComment contained
\ extend
\ start=/@/ end=/\n/ end=/@/
" These clusters group useful types together
syntax cluster sclIntOperand contains=sclLocalName,sclIdentifier,sclNumber,
\ sclProcedureCall,sclArithOp,sclParen

syntax cluster sclStringOperand contains=sclIdentifier,sclStringConst,
\ sclProcedureCall,sclStringOp,sclParen

syntax cluster sclIntExpr contains=@sclIntOperand,sclRelOp,sclArithOp

syntax cluster sclStringExpr contains=@sclStringOperand,sclRelOp,sclStringOp

syntax cluster sclExpr contains=@sclStringExpr,@sclSStringExpr,@sclIntExpr,
\ @sclBoolExpr,sclAlwaysValid

syntax cluster sclAlwaysValid contains=sclComment,sclError

If I delete the 'syntax region sclStringAssignment' that contains the sclProcedureCall, then it stops misbehaving. This is, in fact, probably a more realistic definition, too, as I was probably trying to overload the clause by one straw too many - while you can assign a reference a value, you can't do it as part of a string declaration; I can probably live wigh leaving that as an sclAnonymousAssignment.

So, while I believe that I have found a bug in the syntax engine, I now have something that looks, from a distance, like a work-around. Despite that, I'm prepared to assist in someone else's debugging of this, if I can.

Regards, Andy

Andrew Long
andrew dot long at mac dot com

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