Friday, November 25, 2011

RE: Another Spam Script

Paul wrote:
> This just appeared:

Thanks. I just deleted 8 spam scripts (the above and some others
that I have recently noticed). Of those, one was created last
March and is unrelated to the others. The other 7 were created
in the last month and were clearly related.

If you check by looking at the script 3822 URL, remember that if
you viewed the page before, you may need to refresh your browser
to see that the page is now deleted.

In case Bram is wondering: I deleted each script, its download
packages (only one for each), and associated users. I won't
bother mentioning that in the future.

For the 8 scripts, there were 72 down ratings and 6 up ratings.
The down ratings show that people are responding to the junk.

In addition to the above, I deleted 3 junk scripts created by
2 users in the last year.

What about the two scripts uploaded by this user:

Ceasy (cease.vim) is definitely junk that has been downloaded
168 times. To save future curiosity seekers, I propose to delete
that script (it's six links of junk C code).

But what about Peasy? It has some valid Vim script, but after
Ceasy I'm a bit worried.

I intend monitoring the scripts list, but if anyone notices more
dubious stuff, please post them.


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