Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Re: Conceal mecanism with more then one char

yogsototh wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to display "->" with "→ " in haskell files.
> But I have the impression the conceal mechanism only work to replace
> "->" by one character.
> An undesirable effect is a visually bad indentation.
> Is there a way to achieve this?

Yes -- place the following lines into $HOME/.vim/after/syntax/haskell.vim:

syn match HaskPointer '->'
contains=HaskPointerOne,HaskPointerTwo containedin=hsOperator
syn match HaskPointerOne '-' conceal contained cchar=→
syn match HaskPointerTwo '>' conceal contained cchar=

Note that that last cchar= is actually followed by a space; ie. "cchar=
", NOT "cchar=".

Chip Campbell

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