Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Re: vim slow running latex files

On 19:22 Mon 28 Nov , Jonatas Eduardo Cesar wrote:
> I'm using vim with a bunch of plugins ( pathogen, ctags, snipmate,
> supertab,... ), and everything works fine for all kinds of file extensions.
> However, when I'm try to edit .tex files it presents two problems which
> seem related. First, vim starts to work really slow, and second, when I
> press "any letter" + <tab>,
> it tries to auto-complete with words previously written in the text.
Check the output of "verbose imap <tab>". It should point you to the place
where the imap is defined.

> One way which I tried to solve those issues, is by removing the supertab
> plugin from my bundle folder, but it's a not satisfactory solution.
> --
> Jônatas Eduardo
> --
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