Friday, March 30, 2012

Re: 'au InsertEnter * noh' doesn't work

On Fri, 30 Mar 2012, Unknown wrote:

> Hi everyone here, I'm just new to this mailing list. I want to
> automatically disable search highlight when entering insert mode, so I
> add the command in ~/.vimrc but it didn't work. Does anyone know what
> I did was wrong?

As pointed out, :noh[lsearch] doesn't work in autocmds. One common
workaround is to do it from a mapping. I have the following in my

" turn off highlighting when refreshing the screen
nn <silent> <C-l> :noh<CR><C-l>

(nn = nnoremap)

Seems like overkill, but you could use:

for key in ['i','I','o','O','a','A','gi','gI'] " any key that enters insert mode
exe 'nn <silent>' key ':noh<CR>'.key

Personally, the <C-l> trick works well for me, because I'm used to
typing Ctrl+l to refresh Alpine.

Ben H

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