Friday, March 30, 2012

Re: :help WITHOUT split screen

Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz wrote:
> This is one of my biggest bug bears and it drives me absolutely nuts:
> Is there a way to prevent :help from splitting the window?!
> I never, ever want a horizontal split. I'd just like to see the help
> text in a new tab.
> I mostly use gvim, sometimes vim. So I need a solution that works in
> both cases.

Manpageview (see, which
handles several kinds of help (vim, manpages, perl, php, and python),
has a TMan command, which provides help in a separate tab. As a
variant, there's OMan, which saves your window(s) and opens the help
page in its stead (and a :q will restore your previous window(s)).

Chip Campbell

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