Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Re: Plugin manager with dependencies and selective bundle load

> But I think is not possible to load the plugins on demand, like in tplugin,
Why do you think so? If the author tells you it is possible if the
plugin supports it then you should give a reason.
Those who don't are those plugins who are using Start auto commands.
And there is not much you can do about it but a *lot* of patching.

> Another doubt I have is, if I have a plugin/bundle, which hasnt been
> installed by VAM, it is possible to activate it?
" Addons are put into vam_install_path/plugin-name directory
" unless those directories exist. Then they are activated.

This sentence in the SetupVAM function was written to reply to exactly
that question. If you have any idea how to improve the wording let me

echo "echoe 'abc'" >> ~/.vim/vim-addons/abc/plugin/any-name.vim

Then start vim and do :ActivateAddon abc
You'll get the error message.

So I'm pretty sure that you've missed a small detail :)
Just recheck and retry

> Finally vim crashes almost after any add on install.
Update to latest Vim version. Sorry about that.
I want fix some segfaults my self. in the end its not VAM's fault - Vim
should not crash if using VimL only.

Just write again if you have additional / still the same problems.

Marc Weber

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