Saturday, October 27, 2012

Re: Pathogen breaks my python syntax highlighting for some reason. | VAM bisect

Its very unlikely that "pathogen" is causing your trouble.
How do you debug such?

a) run vim without any plugin support like this: vim -u NONE -U NONE -N "$@"
If the problem is gone its caused by any of the plugins you're using

b) how to find which plugin is causing it ?
Move plugins to a different place, piecewise.
Restart Vim, retry

pathogen#infect should only activate the packages which are in those

Doing this "bisecting" manually is awkward which is why I just wrote
plugin bisecting for VAM (the plugin manager I support).


Then finding out the cause is easy: Just run :VAMBisect
and redo your tests for each set of plugins.

Marc Weber

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