Saturday, October 27, 2012

Re: Vim slow on high resolutions

On 28/10/12 00:10, Roman Snitko wrote:
> [...] we are no longer living in times when people use 1280 resolutions.

You'd be surprised. My current display screen is 1024x768, I'm quite
happy with it, and the next time I buy a PC, I'll insist on more RAM and
a bigger disk, I may possibly also want a faster CPU, but I think I'll
keep this screen if it's compatible with the new machine's video card.
(I scrapped my former CRT some years ago, when its red cannon went belly
up. This LCD screen is much better.)

This said, of course Vim should ideally never be "painfully slow", but
how slow is painfully slow? One second? Ten? A minute? An hour? You gave
no values, not even estimates. You also didn't say which GUI flavour you
were using (GTK2? Motif? Athena? Other?)

Switching tabs (even with syntax highlighting on) never seems painfully
slow to me on gvim 7.3.712 (Huge) with GTK2-GNOME GUI on openSUSE Linux;
but maybe I'm more patient than you, or my smaller display makes a
difference, or both. — In one of my tabs I have 21 windows, but
horizontally split, and in "Rolodex Vim" fashion, i.e. with the
following settings:
:set winminheight=0 noequalalways
:set winheight=99999 helpheight=99999 cmdwinheight=99999

Best regards,
"I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to
see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph."
-- Shirley Temple

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