Saturday, October 27, 2012

Re: Vim slow on high resolutions

On Sunday, October 28, 2012 11:10:40 AM UTC+13, Roman Snitko wrote:
> I have a 2560x1600 resolution on my Ubuntu Linux machine and am using gVim.
> The problem I have is that it sometimes becomes painfully slow to switch tabs, > for example.

I take it you are maximizing gvim, am I correct?

> I have an advanced graphic card and a good processor power...

(I assume you have plenty of memory. Plenty being more than 1.5 GiB.)

Sounds like a driver issue. gvim and my 1920x1080 screen is quite snappy, Kubuntu 12.04 with the nvidia 173 driver, onboard Geforce 7025, ~2006 vintage.

What driver are you running? Have you tried with desktop effects disabled? (There's an effect, Blur, that makes my system unusable, though I happily run lots of other effects.)

Does vim in an xterm or gnome-terminal have problems? (I seem to recall my Karmic or Lucid install having a screen update slow down when maximized, it would do one third of the screen, pause, another third, pause, then the rest; vim in gnome-terminal was exactly the same as gvim.)

The early days of Unity gave grief, too, but I didn't try that for long enough to make conclusions.

Regards, John Little

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