Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Re: re-selecting block in different buffer

On 06:03 Wed 31 Oct , Tim Chase wrote:
> On 10/30/12 12:32, Ben Fritz wrote:
> > Vim remembers the previous mode though, and while it might not be
> > accessible, you can select the same area and mode in a different
> > place by using 1v. The help on this is a little hard to find, it
> > does not have its own topic, it is right above :help v_<Esc>.
> This must have been added more recently than the 7.2 that Debian
> Stable gives me by default. But it sounds like an interesting feature.
> -tim
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Indeed it is a nice feature. But it doesn't remember the are when
escaping the visual mode (with <esc> or <c-c>). I've asked about it on
vim_dev, and I got an answer that this rather will not be changed in vim
(since it may break some plugins) but there is a workaround:

vnoremap <Esc> g?gvg?


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