Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Re: What do I need to read to understand g: and s: VIM variable prefixes?

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Tony Mechelynck
<> wrote:

> Yes, and in addition, if you don't use a scope prefix Vim implies l: if
> you're inside a function and g: otherwise.
> See :help internal-variables

Thank you, that is not consistent with other programming environments
that I am familiar with. Very good to know!

> Question:
> Man Invented Alcohol,
> God Invented Grass.
> Who do you trust?

I'm pretty sure that God invented alcohol too, actually. I know that
I've had pomegranate juice ferment into a type of wine just sitting
there in the container. Divine fermentation?

Dotan Cohen

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