Thursday, November 29, 2012

Re: Subdirectories for help files

Charles Campbell wrote:
> Marco wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have plenty of help files in my .vim/doc directory. I'd like to
>> structure it a little more. Apparently simply placing the files in
>> subdirectories is not sufficient. The help tags can not be found. Is
>> there a way to either
>> * add the paths of the subdirectories to the help tags or
>> * create one tag file per directory and tell vim to find those tag
>> files as well?
>> I don't know what's the better approach. The :helptags help is very
>> scarce about this topic.
> There's a new patch out that allows subdirectories in help. Actually,
> its not a limitation of the help or tags, but rather of the :helptags
> command.
> Admittedly experimental. Probably won't work with vms (although I
> don't think it'll do anything adverse with vms).
> The patch is at .
Bram has accepted my patch into vim (7.3.734). So, enjoy!

Chip Campbell

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