Thursday, November 29, 2012

Spam from

Does anyone have an archive of mail which includes the spam that
we receive from I need to know when that spam
started. I kept a few messages, and the earliest I have is
2012-07-09. Does anyone know of an earlier date? Or, can you say
when it did NOT occur (that is, you posted to vim_use and did
not receive the spam)?

Knowing roughly when it started would allow me to guess which
member needs to be unsubscribed to fix the problem (I would
try emailing them first).

As discussed recently [1], it appears that whenever someone
posts a message to vim_use, the sender receives a junk mail from a few hours later. It's easy to defeat that by
flagging the mail as spam so it is not seen in the future.
However, I would like to fix the problem because it is confusing
and irritating for each new poster to have to deal with the

It looks like the following happened:
1. Someone subscribed to vim_use (say
2. They set to forward to
(NUMBER is a valid mobile phone number in China).
3. They stopped using NUMBER.
4. Another person recently was issued NUMBER and they
know nothing about vim_use.

A very helpful member of vim_use whom I emailed has sent a text
message to NUMBER, which replied with point 4 above.

If anyone has information about when this might have started,
please reply here or email me.



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