Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Re: VIM v7 and v7.3.46: End of Life and End of Support Dates needed

On 2012-11-28, rams wrote:
> Hello,
> I am looking for End of Life and End of Support dates for:
> VIM 7
> VIM 7.3.46
> Can you please share the info for this?

I am not an official spokesman for Vim. The following is just my

I don't know what those terms mean in the context of an open source
project such as Vim. What do those terms mean to you?

In a sense, support for 7.3.46 ended the moment 7.3.47 was released.
Bugs found in 7.3.46 would probably still be fixed, if they still
exist in the latest version of Vim, but the fix would be a patch
to the latest version, not a patch to just 7.3.46.

Support for Vim is usually very good and very prompt, but it's not
guaranteed. Support is given for free by people who contribute
their free time, when it suits them.


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