Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Re: Reload Buffer

I tweaked this a bit and you asked for feedback…
" Clear then re-read options after editing
silent! function! ReloadVimrc()
set all&
source $MYVIMRC
autocmd! BufWritePost $MYVIMRC nested call ReloadVimrc()

With $MYVIMRC this is not platform specific. However, vim forgets that $MYVIMRC is filetype=vim after running. I added a modeline:
" vim: set filetype=vim :
…to the top of the file as a workaround.


On Dec 21, 2012, at 10:45 PM, stillLearningVim <> wrote:

> @Marcin and @Gary, thanks for the brilliant suggestions of resetting the options and the auto commands. Here's what I ended up with:
> if !exists("*ReloadVimrc")
> function! ReloadVimrc()
> au!
> set all&
> so $HOME/.vimrc
> endfunction
> endif
> I tried "au BufWritePost .vimrc call ReloadVimrc()", but vim ends up doing something recursive and progressively gives me more errors every time I save (BufWrite isn't supposed to be recursive, not sure what's happening).
> "au!" removes all autocommands, although I should definitely start putting mine in groups. "set all&" resets all global and local variables to their default values (calling set on anything changes both the local and global, interesting info at ":h local-options" and a cool table a scroll away from ":h setg").
> Sorry it took me so long to respond. I kept getting a black-and-white every time I called the function. Apparently calling :source on the vimrc didn't change all the options back (used :set before and after calling this function to see changes between non-default options), this included filetype=vim. I hardcoded this into the function, hopefully I can find a better fix later.
> I usually don't like long posts, so sorry about this one. Thanks again for all the suggestions and cool tips. If you think of anything to improve on this, please let me know. Every little bit helps. Thanks!
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