Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Re: Small Commands

* Tim Chase <> [2012-12-27 03:02]:
> On 12/26/12 18:05, Sven Guckes wrote:
> > .
> eyes are bleeding after reading that HTML version :-)

*grin* yeah, it's a little much as it contains many examples.

> > url:
> Noticed a couple small items:
> - you have "t(" instead of "tX" in your section on t/T/f/F

fixed that

> - in your "use current word to search for" section,
> I don't know if you want to include "g*" and "g#" for doing
> the same thing without enforcing the word-boundaries


> - You have ":help CTRL-O" twice above each other

oops. fixed!

> - you mention zh/zl for scrolling left/right, but I find that I use
> zH/zL far more frequently to do a half-screen worth of scrolling


> - For your "delete to start/end of current paragraph" section,
> you don't need to drop marks, as Vim knows about them already:
> :'{+,.d
> :.,'}-d

i was showing the "vi way" there, explaning
why vim add additional marks automatically.

> - the "HOMEWORK" line is a little cruel unless
> you're actually teaching a class on it :-)

actually, this was the only homework.
it's pretty trivial - just enter a help command.
a small price to pay for a really cool command!

> Over all, nice.


some changes here and there.. 500 lines now.


title: Small Commands
motto: "only a few keystrokes away.."

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