Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Re: ctags processing jumps to wrong tag?

On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 08:48:00AM -0800, Ben Fritz did gyre and gimble:

>I generate CTags for C code with the following:
>" -R : recursive
>" --extra=+f : include file name as a tag
>" --fields=+S : include signature (e.g. parameter list)
>" K : include kind of tag as full name
>" -k : not kind of tag as single letter
>" --totals : print on standard output total number of tags, etc.
>" --c-kinds=+p : include function prototype in C code
>let ctags_command=Tlist_Ctags_Cmd.' -R --extra=+f --fields=+SK-k --totals --c-kinds=+p .'
>I have 'cscopetag' set, so that pressing CTRL-] on a tag name with multiple matches will prompt me before jumping.
>When I CTRL-] on a function name, I usually get 2 hits, one for the prototype, the other for the function. If both are in the same file, choosing either hit will jump to the prototype always.
>Does anyone else see this issue? Am I doing something wrong?

I have the same behavior here, when setting 'cscopetag' on. Here's my
ctag's line:
ctags -R --c-kinds=+pm --c++-kinds=+cpmn --fields=+iaS --extra=+q -I *

Ivan Sichmann Freitas
GNU/Linux user #509059
SDF Arpa Member http://isf.sdf.org/about.html

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