Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Re: Screen not redrawing on search

Solution: Apparently, this error is not caused by vim itself. It seems to be a malfunctioning interplay between GNOME 3 and the NVIDIA drivers. Reverting to GNOME Classic solved the problem.

Best regards

On Monday, January 21, 2013 4:31:22 PM UTC+1, Ole Juul Andersen wrote:
> Hi.
> After installing the correct drivers for my graphics card (NVIDIA GeForce 560 Ti) in Fedora 16, I have started getting the same error as this guy in this 3 year old post.
> http://vim.1045645.n5.nabble.com/Screen-not-redrawing-on-search-td1179636.html
> It does not seem that any solution was found, and an extensive google search did not help me. I have access to three identical, brand new computers, and the error is reproducible. Before installing the correct drivers, still using the basic nouveau drivers, search in vi with syntax highlighting works perfect, but after installing the proper drivers, the error occurs.
> Any help would be much appreciated, as I am going crazy whenever using vi. I am aware of the option to press Ctrl+L to redraw the screen, however, this is not very pleasent upon heavy and long-term use. Furthermore, uninstalling the new driver is also not an option, at it is needed for other programs on the computer.
> Best regards
> Ole

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