Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Re: netrw plugin: asterisk after filename

On 30 Apr 2013, at 18:22, Charles Campbell <Charles.E.Campbell@nasa.gov> wrote:

> Additionally, if Sylvia is using Windows and NTFS -- her file(s) may have ACLs set which (incorrectly) are flagging the file(s) as executable. There's a way to edit the acl for files; I'm not a Windows guru, so I'd have to hunt around for how to do it. I've done it before, though, and haven't found my notes about it yet.

Thank you, gentlemen, for pointing me in the right direction.

It would appear that Mac OS X sets executable bits to all files
when I plug in my FAT32-formatted USB stick. Must be an OS issue,
nothing Vim or netrw related.


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