Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Re: Using "Align" plugin without inserting whitespace into email addresses? - clarification

On 2013-05-01, Philip Rhoades wrote:
> People,
> On 2013-05-01 03:00, Philip Rhoades wrote:
> >People,
> >
> >I have been using the "Align" plugin quite happily for a long time now
> >but I came across a need where it didn't do what I wanted: a block of
> >lines consisting of only email addresses - I wanted to align on the
> >"@" character - is there a way to do this without inserting whitespace
> >into the email addresses? Am I missing something?
> What I want to do is to insert spaces preceding the email address to
> cause alignment rather than inserting spaces into the email addresses
> themselves.

First execute

:AlignCtrl rl

then select the lines to align and execute

:Align @


:help alignctrl-l


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