Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Re: Undead buffer: gets deleted but respawns on session launch

On 23/04/13 17:41, Sylvia Ganush wrote:
> Good day.
> What may cause a deleted buffer to reappear on session launch?
> I once edited a file, a Figlet font. I deleted the buffer, and
> then exited Vim as I usually do:
> :mksession! session.vim
> :wqa
> But when restart the session the deleted buffer is still present on the
> :ls list. The buffer itself is empty. A 'ghost', if you wish.
> What gives?
> Regards,
> Sylvia

The :ls! list (but not the :ls list without bang) contains buffers
previously edited, even if deleted.

See ":help :bwipeout" and the last paragraph under ":help :bdelete". See
also ":help unlisted-buffer".

Best regards,
According to the obituary notices, a mean and unimportant person never

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