Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Re: Vim Touch for Android

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On 04/22/2013 03:55 PM, Eric Weir wrote:
> I think I recall discussion of this on the vim touch google group.
> Is it in the works to be fixed?
I have no idea about this. Given that you can also use the ':e'-command
to open netrw I think it has very low priority.

> I think I'm going to have only one conflict between the .vimrc for
> the laptop and the tablet. That's that the location of the files
> created with one of my plugins will be in different locations on
> the two tablets and that gets specified in the .vimrc. On the
> laptop they are in a folder in the ~/documents folder. On the
> tablet they will be in---at least at this point this is what I
> imagine---they'll be in a folder in /storage/emulated/0/.
Maybe try creating a documents folder inside the /storage/emulated/0/
directory. I think from inside Vim Touch you will be able to refer to
that as ~/documents, so that your existing configuration works.

> One thought is to put my .vimrc as vimrc in /vim, as you suggest,
> and handle the conflict regarding the location of the folder
> mentioned above in the .vimrc the way you suggest here. But on
> second thought I'm thinking of not syncing the .vimrcs, just having
> separate .vimrcs for macvim and vim touch. Of course I will have to
> figure out how to backup the .vimrc on the tablet, but that
> shouldn't be a problem. What do you think?
That mostly depends on your personal preference and the length of your
.vimrc file. I try to keep only one .vimrc, but my vimrc is over 600
lines, so maintaining multiple copies would be a disaster. I do however
also maintain a 'mini-vimrc'-file with the (for me) bare minimum config,
which I use on my Raspberry Pi and on servers.

> With a little more experience with the tablet under my belt I am
> still thinking about returning the Nexus 7---I have 14 days from
> date of purchase to do so---and exchanging it for a nexus 7. While
> I'm impressed with the android apps I've found, I see myself
> continuing to do everything but run vim on the ipad. Again, what do
> you think?
> Keep in mind that I'm using the soft keyboard. [I've installed the
> hacker's keyboard and really like it.] In portrait mode on the
> nexus 10 they keys are pretty small. In landscape they're a bit
> large and far apart. I'm guessing in landscape on the nexus 7 they
> should be about right.
Again this is personal preference. Before the Nexus 7, I had a 10"
tablet (from Eken) because I suspected that a 7" would be to small. Now
that I have a 7", I actually prefer that because it is much more
convenient to take with me.
But on the Nexus 7 in landscape mode you only have a few lines available
for the content of your file as the keyboard fills up half the screen,
as you can see on this screenshot:
(I have the font size set to 14pt in Vim Touch).
In portrait there is a lot more space, but the hackers keyboard becomes
really tiny. On my Nexus 4 (4.7") I use also use the hackers keyboard
for Vim Touch but there I use the compact qwerty layout for portrait
(it's somewhere in the settings of the keyboard).
To type more then a few words I prefer a hardware keyboard anyway as it
types better and gives me more room on the screen to see text.

> I know Google is supposed to have an upgraded nexus 10 coming out
> sometime in the next few months, but I vaguely recall something
> about a new nexus 7 fairly soon. Do you know anything about that?
I heard rumors about a Nexus 7.7. Google is doing their yearly event in
May (I think) so it is possible that they will announce new Nexus
devices then. But that's only speculation and there will always be newer
versions of devices. Buy an iPad 3 and next months Apple announces the
iPad mini-4-S-now-super-super-super-fast-with-free-steve-jobs-sticker :)

Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)


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