Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Re: use of vim signs

On May 28, 2013 10:43 PM, "Marc Weber" <marco-oweber@gmx.de> wrote:
> Excerpts from glts's message of Tue May 28 20:22:35 +0200 2013:
> > - ":set nonu nornu" means: I don't want any line numbers;
> > - ":set nu nornu" means: I want to see only absolute numbers;
> > - ":set nonu rnu" means: I want to see only relative numbers;
> > - ":set nu rnu" means: I want to have the best of both worlds.
> fun myfun(absolute_number, cursor_pos)
>   return format(.. whatever you want)
> endfun
> Why not 'line_number_fun=myfun()'
> The it would be you being able to control contents of the bar, whatever
> you want to be there ..

If you want to be generic, it would be better to use

    set columnfunctions=myfun1,myfun2,myfun3

. All functions should return a 2-tuple (hl group, text). This way you don't need to choose whether you want a error marker or a change marker from the plugin described earlier. This suggestion is mainly a replacement for signs, but it is just as good for numbers.

> Marc Weber
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