Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Re: use of vim signs

On Di, 28 Mai 2013, glts wrote:

> On Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:48:13 PM UTC+2, toothpik wrote:
> > I don't either, and we are not alone. There's at least one other
> > person who finds that redundant, distracting current line number a
> > nuisance. His complaint was that it makes the number column much
> > wider than it needs to be when you're far down in a large file. Mine
> > is that it's distracting and ugly.
> >
> > I'm sorry I wasn't really paying attention when this addition to
> > relativenumber was being first discussed.
> You have my vote too.
> The single absolute number isn't useful to me as I have a statusline
> with that information. What's bothering me though is that it's an
> aesthetic irregularity, an irritation that distracts from the sidelines.
> To my eyes it _looks_ like a bug!
> I'd very much prefer the old tidy line of right-aligned numbers.

While I don't have an opinion on that behaviour, I think Nazri Ramliy
proposed a patch¹, that adds a linenumber option to control that

> > If nobody wants yet another option, maybe a configuration option?
> I have an idea.
> 'nonumber' 'number' 'nonumber' 'number'
> 'nornu' 'nornu' 'rnu' 'rnu'
> |apple | 1 apple | 2 apple | 2 apple
> |pear | 2 pear | 1 pear | 1 pear
> |nobod[y] | 3 nobod[y] | 0 nobod[y] |3 nobod[y]
> |there | 4 there | 1 there | 1 there
> Thus,
> - ":set nonu nornu" means: I don't want any line numbers;
> - ":set nu nornu" means: I want to see only absolute numbers;
> - ":set nonu rnu" means: I want to see only relative numbers;
> - ":set nu rnu" means: I want to have the best of both worlds.

Please don't.

¹) https://groups.google.com/group/vim_dev/msg/194c62c57ddf9ee9?hl=de

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