Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Re: Gauging interest for a Vim Amsterdam meetup

On Tuesday, May 28, 2013 12:37:14 PM UTC+2, Rob Hoelz wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> After seeing frequent announcements for Vim London and Vim Berlin via Twitter, I thought it might be nice to have such a meetup here in Amsterdam. Are there others on this list within travel distance who would be interested in attending?
> If you would see yourself attending these meetings on a semi-regular basis, please let me know via a reply to this mail. Also, I would like to get an idea on what day of the week works best for everyone, and how often the meetings should happen. Ideas for a venue would also be helpful! If you have the time, please provide feedback on these as well.
> So, I'll start:
> I would prefer meetings once a month, on Monday or Wednesday. Thursdays and Fridays are possible for me, but I think Friday may not work well in general. I do not have any ideas for a venue.
> Thanks,
> Rob

For those of you who are interested, I've created a meetup group:



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