Wednesday, July 3, 2013

[question] usage of syntax command's display argument

I am trying to translate vim7.3 syntax.doc (4758 lines) helpdoc into korean (open licensed).
But, I think the next section need some examples and clarifications.
I can't fully understant very this section, while other sections are all okay and feel they
are awesome features ...

1. display option is only for "speedup" purpose ? providing us with no new feature?
1.1 (if not) examples showing the different rendering result when this option is on and off
2. "when the detected highlighting will not be displayed" is not clear to me.
someone to elaborate on this sentence? related to any internal highlighting mechanism?

Thanks in advance.


display *:syn-display*

If the "display" argument is given, this item will be skipped when the
detected highlighting will not be displayed. This will speed up highlighting,
by skipping this item when only finding the syntax state for the text that is
to be displayed.

Generally, you can use "display" for match and region items that meet these
- The item does not continue past the end of a line. Example for C: A region
for a "/*" comment can't contain "display", because it continues on the next
- The item does not contain items that continue past the end of the line or
make it continue on the next line.
- The item does not change the size of any item it is contained in. Example
for C: A match with "\\$" in a preprocessor match can't have "display",
because it may make that preprocessor match shorter.
- The item does not allow other items to match that didn't match otherwise,
and that item may extend the match too far. Example for C: A match for a
"//" comment can't use "display", because a "/*" inside that comment would
match then and start a comment which extends past the end of the line.

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