Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Re: Workflow to generate vim documentation

What I meant is that I want to write something with the level of consistency like vim has it's help files. I wanted to know if there is some public document of the process to create the documentation (not only for adding a documentation for a plugin).
I have found a messages.txt file in documentation with the text messages to E<number>. Why did they put a tag in a command that produce a message error instead of a link to that error message?

Another thing about tags, If you type :help a}, there are tags like v_a} and a}. Why did they put v_a}.
Another thing is, Did they follow some strong style in the pages so they can extract automatically things with makefiles or automatic tools? In the help page that David pointed say that the first line of the plugin help page is shown in local-additions.
Do they do the same thing to create indexes for the first page?

Another thing that I am curious and didn't find. Does anyone know which function process vim help pages to make them fancy format? Because if you open directly a page with vim the text is not align as you see when you do :help.

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