Thursday, August 29, 2013

Re: get current file name with full path

On 30/08/13 00:50, Jerry Dai wrote:
> In insert mode, I will get current file name by:
> <C-R>%
> Is there anything similiar can give me a full hierarchical path?
> -- --
> Best Regards
> Jerry Dai

In a script, expand('%:p') would give you the result as a String. So, to
insert it at the Insert-mode cursor:

:map! <expr> <F7> expand('%:p')
(the latter would let you insert it by hitting F7 in Insert or
Command-line mode).

:help expand()
:help filename-modifiers
:help quote=
and for use in a mapping or abbreviation
:help :map-<expr>

Best regards,
"The road to hell is paved with melting snowballs."
-- Larry Wall in <>

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