Sunday, September 29, 2013

Re: Calling a user function via a map cancels visual mode

On Saturday, September 28, 2013 5:42:46 PM UTC-5, skeept wrote:
> vnoremap ,n :<C-U>call JumpToNextNonMatching(2)<CR>gv
> vnoremap ,N :<C-U>call JumpToNextNonMatching(-2)<CR>gv
> This almost works, if I am moving backwards it progressively increases the visual selected area, but if I am moving forward the visually selected area remains the same because it seems that `gv` brings the cursor back to the beginning of the selection...
> Any idea on how to make this work also for the forward movement?

Yes, you can jump to the other side of the visual selection when in visual mode by pressing 'o', so append one more letter to your forward mapping.

:help v_o

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