Sunday, September 29, 2013

Re: Latest failed compilation

On 29/09/13 17:32, Gregory M. Caughey wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> Since build 'Vim-7.4.041' my builds have been failing with error message
> "Makefile:2697: recipe for target `objects/mbyte.o' failed".
> I've captured the last few lines from my screen output and included as
> an attachment. I don't know if the fault is Vim or my Cygwin environment
> which I update regularly.
> Has anybody else experienced this problem? I have been building Vim for
> console mode and the GUI version for years and failed compilations have
> rarely occurred.
> I'm working on a Windows 7 box with the latest Cygwin (x86) environment
> installed. I'm running with all of the latest upgrades and security
> upgrades.
> v/r,
> Greg
There seems to be a conflict between Cygwin headers and Vim headers.
Could you paste lines 4951 and 5090 of /usr/include/w32api/winnt.h (as
seen from Cygwin bash) into a reply email please?

Best regards,
Planet Claire has pink hair.
All the trees are red.
No one ever dies there.
No one has a head....

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