Excerpts from Nikolay Pavlov's message of Mon Nov 25 19:46:51 +0100 2013:
> Do not know about mzscheme (racket), but if_py does not actually support
> threading: it is cpython that supports it:
The problem is that Vim does not expect called by Vim unless its VimL
calling into Vim or such. Python does support passing CPU to multiple
python threads.
But if such thread wants to tell vim "hey, i'm ready", it cannot be done
easily. You have to put the thread into "waiting/ready state", then you
have to make Vim poll for that state. Otherwise Vim might crash.
And that polling is hard to implement without delay. I know about on
idel events and such, but then you might collide with other plugins.
So whatever you do its a hack only.
> And you still have not addressed another part: how will you spell things
> like :?abc?,/def/s/a/b/i or :g/ghi/norm A$ with python considering it is
Let's say it this way:
:%s/* are just "viml commands"
Thus ":%s/" would no exist if you changed default interpreter.
Eg let's assume you'd choose python as default, then you would have to:
or wirte a substitute function in python in global scope.
q: /: ?: already show how you can have multiple "mini buffers" for
different tasks. So why not have a p: or a v: to get python/viml command
lines ? (I know p is paste ..)
Marc Weber
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