Thursday, May 22, 2014

Re: How can I pass user input value to vimgrep?

On May 22, 2014 10:14 PM, "Pinaki" <> wrote:
> Thanks, following your advice finally the script started working.
> Here is the changed script:
> " Last Change: 2014-05-22  Thursday: 04:16:18 PM
> " -----------------------Implementation of a simple feature
> " -----------------------"Find in Files and Directories"
> " -----------------------like Notepad++ -----------------
> " -----------------------Created & Edited by Pinaki Sekhar Gupta
> <>------------------------
> " -----------------------Licence: No licence is better than
> everything-------------------------------------------
> :menu Edit.Find\ in\ Files  :<Esc>:<Esc>:call Find_in_Files() <Cr>
> function Find_in_Files()
> " -----------------------raw method-----------------
> " :vimgrep /GNU/ C:\CodeBlocks\TDM-GCC-64\include\*.txt
> " :cw
> " --------------------------------------------------
>         let what2find = inputdialog("search term", "", "cancel pressed")
>         let     directory       = browsedir("Browse the directory","")
>         let filetype = inputdialog("filetype", "", "cancel pressed")
>         let forwardslash = "/"
>         let space = " "
>         let wildcard = "*."

Strange indent here.

>     if what2find != "" && what2find != "cancel pressed" && directory !=  ""
> && filetype !=  ""
>                     "          port to test whether the nested strings are
> working or not
>                     "
>                     " :echom "Hello, " . "world"
>                     " Hello, world "
>                     " echo forwardslash . what2find . forwardslash . space .
> directory . wildcard . filetype

And here.

>         :execute "vimgrep /" . what2find . forwardslash . space .
> fnameescape(directory) . wildcard . fnameescape(filetype)
>         :cw
>     else
>         " process if user press okay
>         if what2find != "cancel pressed" && directory !=  "cancel pressed"
> && filetype !=  "cancel pressed"
>             :execute "vimgrep /" . what2find . forwardslash . space .
> fnameescape(directory) . wildcard . fnameescape(filetype)

It is interesting why you use "forwardslash", "space" and "wildcard" variables? Concat operator has no problems with string literals on either side of itself. And do not use '!= "cancel pressed"'.

Also why are you preceding some commands with a colon? I use it in two places: in *noremap definitions because it is required to enter command mode and after :autocmd/:command: as an element of coding style used to separate (auto)command body from the rest of arguments (preceding colon(s) are simply ignored so you may safely use them for various things like I do).

>             :cw
>         endif
>     endif
> endfunction
> If you still have any improvement suggestion please inform..
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