Thursday, May 22, 2014

Re: Library/framework to manage uniformly *all* programming languages

BPJ, can I ask you something out in public?

Since you and Miles Fidelman are responding to this same person after I
have written that lengthy piece, and you're completely ignoring my
contribution, I can only assume that I am coming across as arrogant.

And you guys are trying to tone me down. Which is reasonable, I guess.

And this seems to be a social phenomenon rather than something that can
also happen one-on-one. It seems to be about rules of seniority in a
group. It seems to be about new or inexperienced people having to take a
more modest place within a hierarchy when they first enter it, and to have
to "deserve" or "earn" a higher place up.

And it seems I have broken that rule a few times recently. Strangely
enough, it also happened on some YouTube comments. I had flamed a person
who had been flaming people, and although I felt really good about it,
other people pretty much repeated my sentiment without adding anything,
thereby devalueing what I had said and putting me "in my proper place".
Completely same phenomenon, but out on the open in a non-group of a
thousand million YouTube users.

I don't really understand this yet, but I'd like to learn about these
rules and what my arrogance seems to be. I don't want to keep repeating
that mistake.

My apologies if I come across as arrogant again now, but I'm sure it's
alright to ask this question of you people.

BTW, I haven't looked into my own thread yet (new vim user) but I will get
back to that when I have the proper time/energy/intention. I'm sure that's
not a problem.



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