Sunday, August 31, 2014

Re: Can't get vim-go bundle to work

> I've installed the vim-go bundle on my Ubuntu 14.04 system. I'm using pathogen
> to manage my plugins.
> I ran a git clone to pull the program into my .vim/bundle directory.
> Unfortunately, for some reason, the vim-go environment doesn't seem to
> work. For example, when I run :help godocs it comes back with "Sorry, no help
> for godocs". Or, for example, when I put the cursor under a go
> keyword and type :godocs, I get: E492: Not an editor command godocs

Well - then read pathogen docs. It tells you how to run helptags
automatically (or switch to a plugin manager which does this
automatically in a sane way (on install/update) such as

> When I first ran .vim, it started downloading a number of things that
> were necessary for it to work. However, at this point, none of the
> listed vim-go commands actually does anything, only giving "Not an
> editor command: godoc"

You're missing basic understanding of Vim commands:

vim provided commands are lower case only
plugin provided commands are always starting with upper case.

Vim of course does not ship with :godoc command AFAIK for obvious
reasons. Thus reread documentation, open the plugin/* files and look for
command which defines a plugin provided Vim command or such.

Also ensure plugin and filetype is enabled in your .vimrc
Eg see here
(This wiki also contains some hints about how to debug/troubleshoot

Marc Weber

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