Sunday, August 31, 2014

Re: Unable to update Vim past ver 7.4.408

On Sunday, August 31, 2014 5:42:24 AM UTC-7, Andrei Olsen wrote:
> On Sunday, August 31, 2014 12:37:36 AM UTC+2, Bob Hyam wrote:
> > On Saturday, August 30, 2014 3:33:21 PM UTC-7, Bob Hyam wrote:
> > > On Sa> >
> > > > > Sorry about that, Debian wheezy amd64. No errors seem to occur, it just remains the same version I started with. Does anyone know if this building creates a log file I could go through ? The screen updates pretty quickly so I can't say for sure there are no errors.
> > > > >
> > > > > Thanks for answering, Bob H
> > > >
> > > > I run the latest 429 on Debian Wheezy as I write.
> > > >
> > > > Maybe you have several versions on your system. Did you try:
> > > > which -a vim
> > > >
> > > > Also, did you try to run your locally compiled file, that is in /usr/src/vim/src/ ?
> > > >
> > > > What "hg summary" says?
> > >
> > > alpha:/usr/src/vim>root#hg summary
> > > Not trusting file /usr/src/vim/.hg/hgrc from untrusted user bobh, group users
> > > Not trusting file /usr/src/vim/.hg/hgrc from untrusted user bobh, group users
> > > parent: 6142:4c08173b8b95 tip
> > > Add files missing from 7.4.408.
> > > branch: default
> > > commit: 1 modified, 2 unknown
> > > update: (current)
> > >
> > > BobH
> >
> > Sorry forgot to in include .hg/hgrc file -
> >
> > [paths]
> > default =
> >
> > BH
> I suspect "hg pull" fails because .hgrc is owned by the different user other than the one that is running Mercurial.
> You can change the ownership or see this:

Andrei - I appreciate your help, the info you gave me led me to do some experimenting. What I found was that I did not have $HOME/.hgrc file, so I created one ! It now seems to be OK. I am a bit confused, I didn't erase this file and as I said in the original post I've been using the same procedure for years.
Thanks again Bob.

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