Monday, September 1, 2014

starting position of cursor


when I start vim on an existing text module I kind of expect it to have
the cursor in the 1st column of the first line, but some setting is
causing it to start with the cursor on the first non-blank column of the
first line

I don't have any cute tricks imported from vimrc_example.vim, it does
this when I start vim with -u NONE, and I don't know what setting is
causing this

any help getting it to start with the cursor in column 1 line 1 will be

to demonstrate, open a module that has "2014" on line 1, starting in
column 47 (with 46 blanks in front of it, and lots of text below it) --
for me, that's where the cursor is (column 47), and when I scroll down
(using j) I expect to see the cursor on the left, but it's over in
column 47 where it started, contrary to my expectations

am I suffering a brain flatulation? if so, please be kind...

_|_ _ __|_|_ ._ o|
|_(_)(_)|_| ||_)||<

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