Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Re: How to force Vim to reconcider abbreviations?

On Wednesday, September 24, 2014 2:20:17 AM UTC-5, toothpik wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 09:30:22AM +0300, Gevisz wrote:
> > Sorry but your suggestion does not work as <C-R> does not insert the
> > deleted text back.
> <C-R> isn't what inserts the text -- <C-R>- is

Correct, the full suggestion was:


Note the '-' after the <C-R>, to insert the contents of the '-' register *as if typed*.

I actually tested this in a mapping and saw it working, I wasn't sure myself whether it would :-)

Your suggestion using a paste doesn't work, because abbreviations only expand on typed text, not on existing text. This is intentional, to allow you a method to actually type the text of an abbreviation when you don't want to expand it.

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