Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Re: Some abbreviations work only as imaps

On Wed, 24 Sep 2014 06:54:45 -0700 (PDT)
Ben Fritz <> wrote:

> On Wednesday, September 24, 2014 7:42:28 AM UTC-5, gevisz wrote:
> >
> > Some abbreviations expand as desired and some do not.
> > They may be very similar. For example, abbreviation чкпк expands as
> > desired, whereas abbreviation чкпр does not expand at all unless I
> > redefine it via imaps. (The only difference between чкпк and чкпр is
> > in the last cyrillic letter.)
> >
> > > Have you tried, testing with
> >
> > > vim -u NONE -N (to eliminate the effect of any plugins)?
> >
> > I have just tried that. No abbreviation works after starting vim
> > with such parameters. However, when I define these two abbreviations
> > anew in thus started vim, I get the same picture: чкпк abbreviation
> > works and чкпр one do not.
> >
> > > You might also want to use :verbose set isk?
> > > to see, if Vim knows, when and where that setting has been changed
> > > the last time (for example a plugin).
> >
> > Just after starting gvim:
> >
> > :verbose set isk
> >
> > iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255
> >
> > Last set from ~/.vimrc
> >
> > After loading the file with my extension:
> >
> > :verbose set isk
> >
> > iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255
> >
> > Last set from ~/.vimrc
> I'm guessing that 'encoding' affects the meaning of the numbers in
> 'iskeyword'. What is your 'encoding' option set to?

:set encoding

I have expected this as my system-wide/terminal encoding settings
are the same. But I have already forgot where I set them while
installing the system. :) After that I installed emacs but it did
not worked with my utf-8 settings "out of the box," so it went to
the trash (anyway, I never could learn how to use it effectively :)
and, after some search, I decided to try Vim about half a year ago.
Vim did work with utf-8 just after installing and without any extra

I would be very upset to find out that it cannot fully work with it

> Also, what is the default value of 'iskeyword' on your system?

But how to find it out?

If it is the answer I get after
$ vim -u NONE -N
:set iskeyword
it is the same as reported above.

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