Saturday, October 25, 2014

Re: Starting vim with number and wrap set in diff mode

On 24 October 2014, Steve Graham <> wrote:
> I am starting vim in diff mode (vim -d) and find that I also need
> number and wrap set. I can start vim with it (as in vim -c 'set
> number' -c 'set wrap' -d file1 file2), but number and wrap are only
> set for the left window and not the right one.
> How can I have it set for both?

It can be done, but you probably won't like the solution. There are
only two command line options that seem relevant here:

* -c <command>, which runs <command> after loading the first file
* --cmd <command>, which runs <command> before loading any vimrc file

The first version has no effect on the second file. The second is
run too early:

vim --cmd 'set nu wrap' -d file1 file2

will set numbers, but wrap will get overridden by -d. And there is no
command that gets run after loading each file, or after loading all

Thus the trick is to start diff mode after loading the files, like

vim -c 'diffsplit file2 | set nu wrap | winc l | set nu wrap' file1

Or if you prefer to have the file names at the end:

vim -c 'exec "diffsplit " . argv(1) | set nu wrap | winc l | set nu wrap' file1 file2


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