Monday, June 1, 2015

Error format for TTCN-3?


I'm using the TITAN TTCN-3 compiler and try to create an error format for this compiler. The error message looks something like this:

Notify: Checking modules...
EPTF_MLSimPlus_Test_LGen.ttcn: In TTCN-3 module `EPTF_MLSimPlus_Test_LGen':
EPTF_MLSimPlus_Test_LGen.ttcn:96.9-130.1: In function definition `f_EPTF_MLSimPlus_Test_Client_user_address_test_behavior':
EPTF_MLSimPlus_Test_LGen.ttcn:124.15-94: error: Duplicate definition with identifier `vl_addressIdx'
EPTF_MLSimPlus_Test_LGen.ttcn:112.15-92: note: Previous definition with identifier `vl_addressIdx' is here
Notify: Error found in the input modules. Code will not be generated.

The actual error message is in line 4, the format is <filename>:<line-number>.<start-column-number>-<end-column-number>: error: <message> so I've came up with this error format:

%f:%l.%c-%n:\ error:\ %m

I don't like the %n part, because that's not an error number. How can I match for a number there?

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