Saturday, July 25, 2015

Re: There is a mistake in my « makefile »

Le vendredi 24 juillet 2015 07:59:40 UTC+2, aubertin.sylvain a écrit :
> I am a beginner, in vim. Something is wrong in my makefile. At the end of my shell, when I type :make it works well. All my shell is compiled. But no trace of the object file, named essai.o
> My source file is essai. Somewhere « make » or « /bin/bash » says to me : cyclic permutation is no correct. That is something I don't understand.
> I should like to save my object file. Shall I use « sudo make install » or « sudo essai.o install » ? ?
> For installing must I use commands put inside the makefile or am I forced to do that in second time, out of my makefile ? ? Here is my makefile :
> # indiquer quel compilateur utiliser
> #!/bin/bash
> #makefile
> all: essai.o
> essai.o: essai
> /bin/bash essai -o essai.o
> My OS is : xubuntu 14.4.1 My vim version is 7.4. 52 My PC is hp Mini 110 1100
I deleted lines on my makefile. I kept only the 3 last lines. If I type make outside of vim it runs well my file "essai". By curiosity I should like to run my object file as easily I do with "alsamixer". Yet I don't know what to do for saving my object file; Thanks again

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