Saturday, July 25, 2015

Re: There is a mistake in my « makefile »

On 2015-07-25, aubertin.sylvain wrote:
> Le vendredi 24 juillet 2015 07:59:40 UTC+2, aubertin.sylvain a écrit :
> > I am a beginner, in vim. Something is wrong in my makefile. At
> > the end of my shell, when I type :make it works well. All my
> > shell is compiled. But no trace of the object file, named
> > essai.o
> > My source file is essai. Somewhere « make » or « /bin/bash »
> > says to me : cyclic permutation is no correct. That is something
> > I don't understand.
> > I should like to save my object file. Shall I use « sudo make
> > install » or « sudo essai.o install » ? ?
> > For installing must I use commands put inside the makefile or am
> > I forced to do that in second time, out of my makefile ? ?
> > Here is my makefile :
> > # indiquer quel compilateur utiliser
> > #!/bin/bash
> > #makefile
> > all: essai.o
> > essai.o: essai
> > /bin/bash essai -o essai.o
> > My OS is : xubuntu 14.4.1 My vim version is 7.4. 52 My PC is hp
> > Mini 110 1100
> I deleted lines on my makefile. I kept only the 3 last lines. If I
> type make outside of vim it runs well my file "essai". By
> curiosity I should like to run my object file as easily I do with
> "alsamixer". Yet I don't know what to do for saving my object
> file; Thanks again

I know nothing about alsamixer and the alsamixer man page said
nothing about object files, so I can't help you with that. It's way
off-topic for the vim_use list as well. You will probably have
better luck asking about alsamixer on superuser.

The make program, though, should run just as well from Vim as it
does from the shell. So, if you can run


successfully from the shell, then you should be able to start vim
from the shell like this,

vim -N -u NONE

and execute


with the same results as you got running make from the shell. (Of
course, you may have to remove the target, essai.o, to have make run
your bash command.)

If the results of running make from the shell and from vim as
described above are the same, then there is something in your
~/.vimrc or in one of your plugins causing the problem.

If the results are still different, it could be because the
shell environments are different. The shell invoked by vim to run
make typically does not source ~/.bashrc, so any environment
settings made but not exported by your terminal session's bash will
not be visible to the make run by vim.


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