Saturday, August 22, 2015

DBext cursor jump after execution

My typical workflow with dbext:

1) Write a query
2) Visually select the block and execute the query (via <leader>se)
3) Go back to edit the query
repeat as needed.

However something in my usage pattern, or Dbext's selection logic, causes the cursor to jump to the end of the selection after executing the query. This introduces addition steps to return to where I was to edit the query.

Further, due to the vsp call, the cursor is often well past the query, which can sometimes trigger my inadvertently ending up on the next block.

I'd intuitively expect the cursor to remain where it was prior to execution, after returning.

It does not seem to matter where I place the cursor prior to execution.

Is there something I might be able to do to streamline my workflow? Among otherthings I'd not be surprised if my specific actions, say visual selection, or <leader>se could be altered to avoid this behavior.

Is there some setting in dbext to turn this behavior off?


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