Sunday, August 23, 2015

vim suitable for professional software development?


i'm wondering whether VIM is really suitable for professional software
development. I have no considerable experience with vim, linux, software
development or anything else mentioned in this post, i.e. i'm a beginner
=> Therefore, i hope i can ask some naive and very basic questions about
my fears of using vim. I guess, some questions are a bit far away of vim
and are caused by my lack of knowledge and experience. I hope
regardless, i can ask them here.

1) Let's assume your vim configuration is broken at work and you can't
fix the issue within 20 minutes. I assume sth like 20 minutes is the
upper limit for vim configuration things, before your colleagues or boss
gets angry. Most, if not all of your needed plugins aren't working

* How would you react in such a situation? Would you temporarily switch
to e.g. Eclipse?
* How would you react when you have very important stuff to do?
* How often does such a situation happen?

=> I'm not very experienced with vim, so i have honestly very big fears
about such situations, standing helplessly in front of a unusable editor
and a lot of work to do.

2) I'm not familiar with frameworks like Spring, Tomcat or Maven.

* But how much do they depend on some vim plugin? I mean, is it possible
to work without a vim plugin? I assume, they make the repeated tasks of
your work very easy and fast.
* Let's assume, your company transfers to another, related framework,
which doesn't provide a vim plugin. How would you react? would you
change your IDE, work with the command line or try to write a plugin?
* At needs to happen that you'll decide to change your editor?

=> I have also very little experience with vim or shell scripting,
therefore i fear that someday i can't write a convenience plugin/script
and have to work in a (compared to e.g. eclipse) inefficient way - or
change the editor, because the support fore that language/framework is
not enough.

3) GUI development. I've learned recently that vim's intention is just
not to be a GUI builder for some language. But,

* How good/fluently do they interact with vim? example to show what i
mean: Visual Studio provides capabilities to auto generate the code for
e.g. a button (what to execute when the button is pressed).
Additionally, it "links" between the actual code and the textual GUI
implementation (=> the position of the button, the description, etc.) so
that i can directly use that button in my program. How is that handled
by VIM and a GUI Builder? => I assume, using two separate applications
for developing really breaks the programming flow.
* the textual GUI implementation i've mentioned in the question before,
is really complex(at least that's my impression), but luckily auto
generated by VS. Are there "code generation" places which aren't covered
by the regarding plugin(i mean that plugin, which generates the XML
metadata for the GUI in the VIM workflow), so you need to manually
create a snippet for it?

=> As a beginner, i don't understand the complexity of the connection
between the GUI Builder and vim, respectively what does VS in the
background for me. So I wouldn't know how i should be able to create
snippets that could handle the XML/metadata things. While programming in
VS, i've never touched the XML and rarely the auto generated C# code in
the background. I fear that that could hinder developing with vim.

Thanks a lot.

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