Thursday, September 24, 2015

Re: gvim on cygwin/xfree inherits height of xterm

Tony Mechelynck <antoine.mechelynck <at>> writes:
> has('gui') means "compiled with GUI capability". On Unix-like
> platforms (but not on Windows) it is possible to use a single
> executable binary as both vim and gvim (with the help of symlinks
> and/or command-line switches). It will have has('gui') on in both
> cases, has('gui_running') on when it knows it is (or will soon be)
> in GUI mode and off otherwise, and of course it doesn't source the
> gvimrc when starting in Console mode. Of course a console-only Vim
> (where has('gui') is zero) will never source a gvimrc (unless, of
> course, you mistakenly specifically order ":source ~/.gvimrc" at the
> console or in a script).

I think I've been bastardizing the [g]vimrc scheme to maintain my
habits from before, when I used vi. I was used to having one rc file,
and there was no concept of a gui version. I think I jumped on the
vim bandwagon about 1.5 decades ago, and look, it has now taken over
the world. I am not implying that I had anything to do with that, just
that I fortuitously made a good choice. It might have been the only
logical choice at the time, if it was dominant already. In fact, I
think I still vaguely recall the times when I was trying to get a
decent code editor after many years away from vi, and I was messing
around with emacs.

Anyway, about bastardizing the [g]vimrc scheme, I only maintain one rc
file: vimrc. It has conditional statements depending on the value of
has('gui'), though I should probably join the 21st century and change
it to has('gui_running'). It might make the console vim experience
less...mysterious. Thanks again, Tony.

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