Thursday, September 24, 2015

Re: visincr and mswin not compatible

jordi_frei wrote:
> I just installed the visincr script and it only works when I comment the
> following two lines:
> source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim
> behave mswin
> When mswin is active the first line is changed instead of the selected
> column
> The thing is that, I really need to use cntrl-C, cntrl-V... in windows
> style. I am too much used to those commands and I am working with several
> applications that use these commands. I am copying pasting things from
> windows to vim and viceversa.
> Is there a way to use both mswin and visincr?

Please try v21e of visincr which you can get from:

The problem was associated with set selection=exclusive (which :behave
mswin sets). Visincr now works around that setting.

Thank you for the report,
Chip Campbell

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