Monday, December 14, 2015

Re: Netrw: pressing `-` jumps to a different window

Nicola wrote:
> I have encountered the following problem: when I open netrw in a split
> window,
> pressing `-` (zero or more times) to go up in the directory tree makes
> the
> cursor jump to a different window. Besides, when this happens,
> mappings like
> `ctrl-w l` stop working. I have to close all but the current window to
> make
> them functional again. I can reproduce this with a fairly minimal vimrc:
> set nocompatible
> filetype on
> filetype plugin on
> filetype indent on
> Note that I use Pathogen, so the above does not load my plugins.
> Steps to reproduce:
> 1. Open Vim.
> 2. :Ex and open a file (it is important that you use :Ex).
> 2. Split the window vertically and move to the right split (i.e., the
> new split).
> 3. :Ex
> 4. Press - (possibly several times).
> Sometimes the cursor jumps even without pressing `-`.
> This seems to happen when I open netrw in different splits at different
> times, as in the steps above. Can you suggest a fix?

Thank you for your report. I'm planning on an overhaul of how netrw
handles positioning upon return -- so hopefully this issue will go
away. Might be awhile, though.

Chip Campbell

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