Monday, January 18, 2016

How to handle entering and leaving of cmd-line?

Hello Vim-users,

I want hook the entering end leaving of the cmd-line mode and fetch new error messages by reading v:errmsg.
How can I handle both events?

Until now I tried the following: The entering cmd-line mode is catched by
nnoremap <expr> : StartCommandLine(':')
whereas the function returns ':'. I think this work as aspected, but it will called in many VimScript functions, too, didn't it?

The leaving event seems more tricky. I've tried two approches.
1. Remap <CR>
cmap <silent> <CR> <CR><Plug><C-7>
map <expr> <Plug><C-7> EndCommandLine()
(map should cover cmap and nmap.)

Unfortunately EndCommandLine() will not be invoked if the cmd-line produce an error.
':echo "ok"<CR>' works, but ':echo undefined_var<CR>' not.

2. Use an automd. event. I've found ShellCmdPost as predefined event.
(i.e. 'autocmd ShellCmdPost * call EndCommandLine()' )
But this event will only be fired for a small subset of commands and the list is defined
directly in the executable.

Does anybody has an idea how to fetch the event "user closes the cmd-line" (with a small footprint ;))?


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